The RSI or Relative Strength Index is a technical indicator that measures the strength or weakness of a currency pair by comparing its up movements versus its down movements over a given time period. The RSI is considered a momentum indicator which means that it’s used to determine the speed and strength of price movement and whether the underlying momentum is strengthening or weakening. Aside from helping traders identify price momentum, RSI is also used to identify overbought and oversold conditions, as well as divergence and hidden divergence signals. In the indicator Multi Period RSI you can see the appropriate RSI settings at any time frame.   **Note: You can test the product without registering, but follow the registration steps for full access to use the product.


The RSI or Relative Strength Index is a technical indicator that measures the strength or weakness of a currency pair by comparing its up movements versus its down movements over a given time period.

The RSI is considered a momentum indicator which means that it’s used to determine the speed and strength of price movement and whether the underlying momentum is strengthening or weakening.

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Different periods on different time frames as seen below: